Divorce Papers at Dawn

Elara stood by the window, looking out at the city that had once been her home. The lights of the buildings twinkled in the distance, but she felt no joy or hope. Instead, she felt a sense of dread and loneliness that weighed heavily on her heart.

She had spent the past few days in a state of shock, trying to come to terms with her diagnosis. Leukemia. The word echoed in her mind like a death sentence. She had always been healthy, always taken care of herself. How could this be happening to her?

But as the days passed, Elara realized that she couldn't keep this a secret forever. She needed to tell someone, to get the support and help that she needed. But who could she turn to? Her family was far away, and she didn't want to worry them. And Kael... the thought of telling him made her stomach churn.

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